This episode is the first-ever Honeymooners sketch. This was originally broadcast on the Dumont Network It includes the original introduction. The storyline is that Ralph Kramden a bus driver, (played by Jackie Gleason) comes home for dinner to find that there is no bread. Ralph's wife, Alice (played by Pert Kelton) asks Ralph to pick up some bread but, of course, Ralph does not want to pick up any bread. After lots of shouting, the breadbox and dinner went right out the window. An innocent bystander below, who happens to be a cop, (played by Art Carney) gets covered by a can of flour. The sketch is called "Bread", it aired on October 2, 1951. It is about 6 and 1/2 minutes long. This is one of the "Lost Episodes" which were not lost, they are not copyright protected, Never Miss An Upload, Join the channel:


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