At The Hop by Danny And The Juniors is a classic 50s song. At The Hop was released in the fall of 1957. The song reached the top of the charts in January 1958. TRIVIA: At The Hop was written in 1957 when Danny & the Juniors were l called The Juvenairs. The original name of the song was "Do the Bop". The story goes that the song was heard by Dick Clark, who expressed concern that the dance fad of The Bop was on its way out,. Dick Clark suggested that they change the band name to the Juniors and the chorus from "Let's all do the Bop" to "Let's go to the Hop". After being performed on Clark's show, American Bandstand, the song gained popularity and soon went to the top of the US charts. At The Hop remained at number one for five weeks. Never Miss An Upload, Join the channel:


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